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Students study at a computer learning center at Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp. Expanded access to computer technology and internet connection is helping refugee students continue their education and helping them prepare for a future beyond the camp. ©UNHCR/Antoine Tardy

Hacking for a Better World

In November 2018, USA for UNHCR’s data team – the Hive – collaborated with 18 organizations, 12 Data Advisory Board members and over 100 volunteers to take on 3 #HackABetterWorld challenges. Two challenges directly addressed issues facing refugees in the United States:

  • With AirBNB, we partnered to use data to determine communities most welcoming to refugees.
  • With, we used data to inform needs for those who educate refugees resettled in the United States.

The time invested in the program amounted to $108,042 of gift in-kind contributions. Partners in the hackathon included 92Y, Accenture, Airbnb, Autodesk, DataKind, DigitalGlobe,, Spotify and Stanford Immigration Policy Lab.